Good Messes

Is it strange that I love my daughter's messes? She is 16 months old and leaves little or sometimes big messes wherever she goes. Recently she was eating a fudge pop. I had wrapped the popsicle in a wash cloth to keep it from melting as quickly. As she ate it, the chocolate slowly became… Continue reading Good Messes

Foundations of Parenting: A Six-Part Program

Hello readers! It has been ages since I have updated my marriage blog, largely because I have been creating a sister blog called 'Foundations of Parenting' for the last part of my Bachelor's degree in Marriage and Family Studies! This program has been developed and created primarily by myself with the assistance of a small… Continue reading Foundations of Parenting: A Six-Part Program

Correcting in Relationships

There are only a few books that I can say have actually changed my life in a meaningful and permanent way. Three books that I can think of just now. One is the Bible (King James Version, both Old and New Testaments), the second is The Book of Mormon, another Testament of Jesus Christ, and… Continue reading Correcting in Relationships